Manufacturer’s Survey

Your Voice Matters. This survey has been developed in order to determine a number of key indicators pertaining to Environmental Product Declarations (EPD’s) and your feedback on the matter. These include the following:

  1. Knowledge Assessment – How much do manufacturers know about EPD’s
  2. EPD Generation for Products – Do your products have EPD’s available? If not, why?
  3. Challenges in Data Creation – What are the industry challenges in developing EPD’s?
  4. Carbon Coalition – Information on the Coalition and invitation to learn more.

We invite you to complete this short (5-10 minute) survey to help us better understand what the industry is facing in tackling decarbonization of products and producing the data associated with them through EPD’s.

Your personal information (name, email, etc.) is being collected in order to provide you with additional information pertaining to the Carbon Coalition and you may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Please also note that the results of the survey will remain anonymous and the data collected will not be shared.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Click here to begin the survey.